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LTE: Calls For Traffic Enforcement After Another Serious MV Crash On Browns Rd.

Smithtown Matters

Here we go again. The 4th bad accident within 6 months on Browns Road Nesconset. The speeding drivers are not slowing down as the road dangerously curves.

This time there was no tree to stop the driver that occurred just weeks ago. That car was headed straight into the dining room of the house.

Before that the motorcyclist crashed and lay in the middle of the road as drivers sped by him.

But last night the driver almost lost her life as she hit the curve with such an impact that the car flipped over. The entire 4th precinct showed up along with the Nesconset Fire Dept. However the residents request for radar goes on deaf ears!

The survey taken by Mitchell J. Crowley, Director of Safety for the Town of Smithtown on August 2, 2019 was sent to Inspector Romagnolito S.C.P.D. 4th Precinct Commanding Officer along with a letter requesting enforcement of the speed limit at this location. Yet to date no patrol car with radar detection is anywhere in sight.

If speeding tickets were issued, drivers would slow down and less accidents would occur on this residential street.


The Neighbors of Browns Road Nesconset

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